
Showing posts from October, 2014

Two Piece

Hello Unique Creating and buying two piece ensembles is one of my recent fashion must have, simply because it’s so economical and versatile; it can be matched together or styled individually for a whole new look. Though I’m partial to styling it separately, but decided to try on this matching set I made recently together. I know most times two piece matchy sets like this are worn to show off the stomach area, but I was going to an event where styling it that way won’t be suitable. You see! The environment helped formed my style and the choices I make when I design or buy clothes. You see this midi-skirt is no longer like this; I transformed it into a pencil skirt because I wanted a pencil skirt with this colour tone, (The advantage of being a creative designer)that’s  the fun part of what I do, I'm able to create and recreate on a whim. I even sometimes deliberately cut out old dress in two just to have a two piece that can be styled separately. Yep! I do this w...

Fringe Frills, My Style and Braids.

Hello unique.


Hello unique. I have heard people call me snob on some occasion, and I was starting to believe it, not until I decided to check the actual meaning of snob which states that a snob is “someone who tends to criticize, reject, or ignore people who come from a lower class or have less education. After seeing this meaning I felt so much better because I realize I have never been a snob, mainly because I’m too self absorb to ignore people or care about their social status. I can understand why some people will think I’m a snob, one because most times I don’t even remember the names of people I have met until at least thrice. ( thank God for my friend Ope that helps me keep record of people I talk to for the first time). Most times I’m in my dream world. Two, because I’m more of a listener than a talker; this is  good because it helps me know how people around me think and bad because some people will think I don’t  say much when they are around because I’m  feelin...

Basically basic

Hello Unique. I was having a hard time deciding what to wear the day I wore these outfits; those days when none of your clothes seem to fit properly and you feel disgusted with yourself for feeling bloated and out of shape. Yep these was how I felt that day, I couldn't just decide  to wear a pair of jean and tee, because it was a Sunday morning, which means serious dressing up(I make extra effort on Sundays when it comes to styling)mostly corporate outfits, because I won’t go to my king house dressing like a commoner. Oops! Now this situation made me decide to go basic with these black and white ensemble, black because it’s slimming and this loose fit ones makes you feel comfortably chic, and the white shirt just gives that freshness that I needed to feel; my mood was way under and although white is not slimming the loose fit ones just makes one feel better and refresh. These pumps were my way of adding character to this look, since I’m known for adding colour to my e...