Grey Power

Hello unique.
Happy New Month!! hope the New Year is going as planned for you guys, but if it isn't then there’s still enough time to reorganize and plan, I've had a rough start in the New Year that at one point I felt hopeless and loss track of what I wanted for the year, due to some unforeseen and unexpected event known to just me and my fossil. I had to take some time out to reorganize and plan, I was quick to realized that there’s no coincidence in life, things always happen for a reason and it either you let it break you or let it make you. And even though they cause you harm it’s still for a purpose you just need not have a victim mindset. Just turn it over to God for directions.

 Anyway on a lighter note, its back to school for me again and these outfits here represent my regular school wear. It’s all about looking comfy and casual and I’m wearing my new comfy sneaks too, I styled this look around it, I had to get this pair in grey because grey happens to be one of my favourite colour. 

What your comfy schools wear like? Tag me on instagram so I can see it and I promise to repost my fav. Thanks for dropping by, till my next post.

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